Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ring in the New

Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.
~Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Greetings from snowy Prague. Thank you for all the positive feedback after my last update. I am nearly finished with grades for this term, which is such a relief (grading can be a complex and draining process). I want to be fair and to encourage students, but also to send a message to those who aren’t putting in the required effort. Our flat has been a beehive of activity lately, as all four of us have been preparing tests, grading, designing final projects, and organizing our records for the end of the first term.

The pictures above are from a short trip I took to a city called Karlovy Vary in western Bohemia. It’s a beautiful and serene mountain town. The streets are dotted with mineral water springs, which you drink from out of thin little porcelain mugs. There were lots of old, interesting churches to see (always my favorite architectural/cultural sites) and I enjoyed the refreshing and tranquil time I spent there.

This weekend, we have our “spiritual renewal retreat”, which will bring all of the teachers from my program in the Czech Republic together in Prague for fellowship, encouragement, refocusing, and a lesson from my pastor. This time of year can be tough because the winters here are long, dark, cold, and gloomy.

One of the main things on everyone’s mind at the retreat will be decisions for next year. We have a deadline in late February to either commit to another year overseas or not. I desperately need God’s guidance in this decision, as I’m still a bit conflicted. I’ve heard that one year is not sufficient to make a difference in the lives of Czechs because the first year is spent adjusting and learning the ropes, and because it takes more time to create meaningful relationships. Most of my students are dealing with hardships at home as well as confusion and hopelessness. I try to uplift them and assure them that there is hope, and to challenge them to consider the meaning behind life, beauty, and suffering. However, sometimes I feel that I’m only skimming the surface of a vast ocean. In addition, part of me feels led to pursue opportunities back in the States next year. Ultimately, I want to follow God's perfect will. May I have the wisdom to see it and the courage to follow it. I am, as always, so grateful for your support. Until next time, čau,
